So, today i got bored in math class and i decided to do some drawing~
I-i-it's not like i neglected any work or anything..Okay fine, maybe i did, but it's a drawing so who cares :V ANYYYWAYS, thats my shameless self promotion there, but i do have some LoL rants before i head off...
In LoL, honestly, i really don't believe that supports should be limited to that 0cs bullshit. Though i agree it should be significantly less than the AD carry, or whoever he/she is supporting, it doesnt really matter if the support takes cs or not. The only thing that matters is whether or not your teammaters know how to do their role correctly in which breaks or makes the game. If you're a support, you should be helping your teammates with buffs. If you're an assassin, you should be focusing out their damage dealers and getting the fuck out. If you're a tank, you should be initiating fights, etc etc etc. Laning phase is just a side dish, the real game comes into play during mid game which is where you can probably determine whether you're gonna win/lose and surrender/push accordingly, etc.
Then again, i hate playing with pubs. Full pre-made always~
In hiso, i'm trying to get some more theatrical combos. So far 10/37 combos recorded and still going. Expect to see a nice combo vid afterwards :D
And thats that. ^^;;