Saturday, March 31, 2012

Currently at Sazn's

So yeah, currently at sazn's house right now, and it's pretty fun.
Well, this is what's happening in a nutshell:

Steve was here for like.. a few hours. Only got one session with him ;______;
Why you leave so early steve?

Also, i found out steve's real name. AND I'M NOT TELLING YOU FUHAHAHA*shot*

Anyways yeah ^^;; Thats practically what happened.
As of now, i'm playing sazn right now, and yes I will get replays uploaded. However, we're just doing long really long sessions of soku. OBTW, sazn's irl name is juan.. so as steve says.. It takes one to know juan //pun.
(if you dont get it read it outloud X_x)

No pics yet, but I can 99% assure you that i can get them up.
Got some Jack-in-the-box and 

Soon to come. Beats and Kei will be here soon 


Friday, March 30, 2012

Offline Hisoutensoku Outing Tomarrow

So yeah, the forever awaited Hisoutensoku LA outing is coming up tomarrow. Steve is gonna give me a ride and i'm staying overnight. I can't wait how his flip house-hold looks like LOL Ahahaha ~ Yeaah, It's totally gonna be fun over there. i might even upload a few replays myself ^^;; Expect some more blog posts because I'm gonna post a bunch more about this outing once it comes..

It kinda is getting me nervous.

Anyways, I'm gonna be meeting 7fnst, beats, kei and sazn over there. Possibly a few others, but I'm just hoping that theres not too much money matches going on. I don't really want too much salt revolving around that X_____x Anyways, enough of my ranting. 

Marisa Stole Her Precious Thing via Piano is almost done.
Just started Primal Scene of Japan, and i'm doing another one through sami's request.

Yeaahh :O Thats that


New Blog, yay!!

Hey guys~ ^^ New blogger here, but yeah.
If anything, here's what you should be expecting from me:
1) Laziness
2) A bunch of comments regarding Hisoutensoku and Suwako <33
3) Lots of Piano videos
4) more Suwako <33 (she's my waifu gtfo :D*shot)
5) Some rants about Minecraft, etc etc

Welp~ I guess this wasn't too bad for a first post? I don't know, but either way, i'm thanking Mimoto for helping me out on this a bit. Not much news but an introduction instead <3 

More soon to come...
