So yeah, currently at sazn's house right now, and it's pretty fun.
Well, this is what's happening in a nutshell:
Steve was here for like.. a few hours. Only got one session with him ;______;
Why you leave so early steve?
Also, i found out steve's real name. AND I'M NOT TELLING YOU FUHAHAHA*shot*
Anyways yeah ^^;; Thats practically what happened.
As of now, i'm playing sazn right now, and yes I will get replays uploaded. However, we're just doing long really long sessions of soku. OBTW, sazn's irl name is juan.. so as steve says.. It takes one to know juan //pun.
(if you dont get it read it outloud X_x)
No pics yet, but I can 99% assure you that i can get them up.
Got some Jack-in-the-box and
Soon to come. Beats and Kei will be here soon